uploads/john doe.jpg

john doe 【法律】在不動產收回訴訟中對不知真實姓名的當事人的稱呼(...

john dory

But listing 4 is invalid in a way that other schemas cannot generically describe attributes can only be optional or required in dtds and w3c schema , not interrelated : patron name john doe name id - num 12345678 id - num book title “ why relax is clever “ isbn “ 0 - 528 - 84460 - x “ book patron 但清單4是無效的,因為其它模式通常不能描述它(屬性在dtd和w3c schema中只能是可選或必需的,而不能是相關的) :

In this example , the elder sister spoke her first sentence with an implicated pragmatic preset , i . e . john does know who had picked down the grape ( probably it was he who had picked down the grape and eaten it 在這一個例子中,姐姐的第一句話以隱含的方式表達了她的語用預設:約尼爾知道葡萄是誰摘的(并且可能就是他摘下來吃了) 。

Woman 2 : he has one . but he ' s willing to relocate . george really does have excellent references , and john does too . they ' re both very good 女士2 :他有一個。但他愿意搬家。喬治的推薦書非常出色。約翰的也是。他們倆都不錯。

John does not at all resemble his father , and i am glad of it : john is like me and like my brothers - he is quite a gibson 約翰一點不象他父親,我為此感到高興。約翰象我,象我的兄弟們一個十足的吉卜森家的人。

John doe : ( interrupts ) a woman . . . so ugly on the inside she couldn ' t bear to go on living if she couldn ' t be beautiful on the outside 打斷)一個女人,她的內心是那么丑陋,假如沒有漂亮的外表她甚至活不下去。

John doe : ( interrupts ) a woman . . . so ugly on the inside she couldn ' t bear to go on living if she couldn ' t be beautiful on the outside 打斷)一個女人,她的內心是那么丑陋,如果沒有美麗的外表她甚至活不下去。

Hello , thank you for calling xyz mortgage company , this is john doe , have you heard about our interest only loans ' ' 你好,謝謝你的呼喚的xyz按揭證券公司,這是無名氏,你是否已聽說了我們的利益,只j有貸款'

John does a lot of work behind the scenes . people do not realize how much of the club ' s success is due to him 約翰在幕后做了大量的工作,人們并不了解俱樂部的成就有多少歸于他。

Say we send a request to our bank , asking to transfer 50 into john doe s bank account from ours 假設我們向銀行發送一個請求,要求從我們的帳戶劃撥50美元到john doe的銀行帳戶。

John doe , the former head of the city public works department , went on trial today in the district court 這句話的意思是:以前市政工程部的頭頭多伊約翰今天在地區法院受審。

If john doe intercepts that communication , he can later send an exact duplicate of the message to the bank 如果john doe攔截了通信,他可以稍后向銀行發送一個相同的訊息副本!

On the server , enter : java - cp httptunnel . jar simpleclient localhost : 8080 add john doe 999 - 99 - 999 result : ok 中添加一條個人記錄,請輸入:

Man 1 : dan has a ph . d . and john does too . did he supervise anybody over there 男士兵:丹有博士學位,約翰也有,他在那兒管理過別人嗎?

Enter : java - cp httptunnel . jar simpleclient localhost : 8080 get 999 - 99 - 999 result : john doe 999 - 99 - 999 中取回個人記錄,請輸入:

June 9th - jk places a “ john doe “ injunction on half - blood prince 6月8日- 《哈利?波特與混血王子》打破網購預定記錄。

John does didn ' t pan out , but you ' ll never guess who ' s in the meat locker 還沒查出無名尸是誰猜猜這里還躺著誰

His first victim , john doe 第一個受害者是個無名氏

The john does were being delivered to the university for medical research 這些尸體是被運去大學做醫學研究的

The car alarm went off as john doe was trying to steal the car 當某人試著偷那臺車時,汽車警報器響起了。